srijeda, 4. siječnja 2012.

Speak Our Minds s/t

Well,as a big fan of  Betercore,when i first heard of these guys i was blown out 'cause they play similar to them,fast,short,2 vocals,just crazy,too bad that they broke up,i think that they played just a few shows and after that went to history.They were from Macedonia,some of the members played also in another great Macedonian hardcore punk band called FPO.This is the only recording of them,16 killer songs,a cover of Betercore song Hooded Sweather and one song with lyrics from Reaching Forward song Speak Our Minds.This was recorded in November 2004.If you want lyrics just let me know!

4 komentara:

  1. Gledao sam ih u Skoplju 2005.-e njanjanjanja :)

    1. mogel bi neke slike okačit,nie da je sve puno njih po netu il di god,likovi su prejebeni a nestali odma i da te odma pitam,imaš možda choice of my own/out of time split na mp3ci??? iam kazetu doma al još nisam spreman da počnem ripat s linije na komp :D

  2. imam ja slije od Speak our minds pa ti mogu poslati kad najdem... choice of my own možda imam negdje, trebao bi pogledati, ali nisam siguran da i out od time imam...

  3. ma trebam si liniju na komp spojit i onda ripat sa kazeta,imam toga hrpu a ono svet nikak da sazna za te dobre bendove inače,a slike pošalji bilo bi lepo :)
