A good friend and also my neighbour built his first road frame :) Well,since this is his first frame,he is more than satisfied :))) I've tried it and it rides smooth,i'm more than happy for him and for this project that he started few years back :) This is just the beginning...
fino finjak, koji tubeset? oklem mu, kaki jig? daj malo neke detalje, (još bolje daj mu da napiše cijeli report!) zakon...
OdgovoriIzbrišitu imaš malo više toga http://www.forum.hr/showthread.php?t=822995 , a bum ga nagovoril da malo se raspiše po domače tu,inače je gore campy grupa,sad ti odma sve palo kad si japos :((( al bitno da neke pista frejmove ima u planu za ekipu pa da se plačemo od boli :D